indicates LWVAL's support for the legislation.
indicates LWVAL's opposition to the legislation.
indicates change from previous week's report such as new progress in the legislature and/or League action. These updates are in
to see sponsor(s), summary (including link to full text), League action and justification for that action, and progress of the bill through the legislative process.
Sponsor(s): Rep. McClammy
Summary/Synopsis: Under existing law, local boards of education are authorized to consolidate county schools within and between county school systems and city schools into a county school system. This bill would create the Alabama Permanent Committee on School District Consolidation to study and develop a comprehensive plan for the consolidation of public K-12 schools throughout the state.
LWVAL Action and Justification: LWVAL is monitoring HB94. The League has no position on the consolidation of schools.
Bill Progress in Legislature: 3/1/2010: 1st Reading and referred to
3/24/2011: 2nd read and placed on calendar; pending 3rd read and favorable from EP.
6/1/2011: Indefinitely postponed.