Natural Resources - General

LWVAL Action Priority Level II - Monitoring occurs; action dependent on opportunity and available resources.

Click a bill to see sponsor(s), summary (including link to full text), League action and justification for that action, and progress of the bill through the legislative progress. Inclusion of a bill in this list does not necessarily indicate LWVAL support. The League's position, if any, is noted under League Action & Justification.

green-right-arrow.jpgIndicates change from previous week's report such as new progress in the legislature and/or League action. These updates are in green font.

LWVAL has taken a position on these bills.

HB 36 & SB 96 - Solid waste, application filed with Environmental Mgmt. Dept. for new facility, local governing body approval, deemed denied if not approved within 180 days

HB36 - Reps. Thomas E. Jackson, Alan Baker, Stephen A, McMillan and Harry Shiver
SB96 - Sen. Wendell Mitchell

Summary/Synopsis: Solid waste, application filed with Environmental Management Department for new facility, local governing body approval, deemed denied if not approved within 180 days, Sec. 22-27-48 am'd. Under existing law, if a local governing body fails to act on a proposal related to its local solid waste disposal management plan within 90 days of receiving the application, the application is considered approved.

This bill would require a local governing body to affirmatively approve a proposal or an application for a new facility within 180 days of receiving the application, or the proposal or application would be deemed denied.
Download HB 36. See Bill Progress for bill substitute.
(companion bills)

League Action & Justification: LWVAL supports HB 36 & SB 96. If this bill is enacted, a permit couldn’t slip through without affirmative action. (The bill is also supported by Conservation Alabama.) Bill moved from monitor to support, 2/22/10.

Bill Progress in Legislature:
HB 36 - 1st Read: 1/12/10 and assigned to 4/13/2010: 2nd read and placed on calendar with 1 substitute (113892-3); indefinitely postponed; pending 3rd read and favorable from C&MG.
Note: In the substitute, failure of a local governing body to act on a new facility application within 180 days is considered a denial of the application.

SB 96 - 1st Read: 1/12/10 and assigned to 1/19/2010: 2nd reading and placed on calendar with one amendment (116729-1) pending 3rd reading and favorable from GA.

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