Please support the League of Women Voters of Alabama

The League of Women Voters of Alabama depends on the generous contributions of people like you who believe in our mission and principles. Although we work with a very low overhead and all volunteer staff, we cannot accomplish all that we hope to accomplish through membership fees alone. Will you help the LWVAL work for a better Alabama and a better nation? With your help, we CAN make democracy work!

(We need your physical as well as fiscal help! Please consider joining us. Thank you!)

Donate to the LWVAL
General Fund

LWVAL General Fund supports advocacy programs in Alabama and League operations. Donations to the LWVAL General Fund ARE NOT tax deductible.

of LWVAL General Fund expenditures.

Donate to the LWVAL General Fund by mail.
Please make your check to
and mail to:

      Shelly Murray
      930 Boulder Lane
      Auburn, AL 36830

Please include your email address or mailing address so that we can thank you.

Donate to the LWVAL
Education Fund

LWVAL Education Fund supports LWVAL citizen education and voter services in Alabama. Donations to the LWVAL Ed Fund ARE Tax deductible.

of LWVAL Education Fund expenditures.

Donate online to the LWVAL Education Fund.

OR... Donate to the LWVAL Ed Fund by mail. Please make your check to
LWVAL Ed Fund"
and mail to:

      Shelly Murray
      930 Boulder Lane
      Auburn, AL 36830

Please include your email address or mailing address so that we can thank you.

Thank you for supporting us!