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The Alabama Voter 
Winter 2010 Edition
Published February 17, 2010

Help From Membership Chair Scarlett Gaddy

Here are two sample letters that any local league might adapt for its own use.
The first is aimed at someone you think might be interested in the League. The second is a follow-up to someone who has attended a meeting or recruiting event.

LETTER # 1 Download this letter

Dear ,

__________________ mentioned you were interested in joining the League of Women Voters.
We would like to extend to you an invitation to come and meet us and give us a chance to engage you in a really rewarding organization. League membership is a great experience that encourages members to be civically active and promote good citizenship in all citizens. The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization that endorses no political candidates but does advocate for positions determined by consensus of its members.  You will find information about our advocacy positions on our national, state, and local web sites and Facebook pages.  We are proud of our distinguished history of public service and advocacy. 
The League of Women Voters is where hands-on work to safeguard democracy leads to civic improvement. This means that the League works through the American political process and with the citizens of this country to bring about constructive change. We:

  • REGISTER millions to vote
  • DEFEND voting rights.
  • MONITOR government activities from city councils and school boards to state legislatures and the U.S. Congress.
  • TEACH citizens about their rights and responsibilities.
  • SPONSOR candidate debates and public issue forums
  • INFORM through our in-depth and balanced issues forums
  • TAKE ACTION, LOBBY, and TESTIFY on the issues you care about.
  • help put LAWS on the books.

Information about the League is available at a variety online sites. The League of Alabama, each local League and the United States are all online with web and Facebook pages.  The addresses of these sites are:

Web Sites League of Women Voters of Alabama – League of Women Voters of [your local web address] League of Women Voters US web site-

Facebook Pages League of Women  Voters of Alabama on Facebook -
[Add your Facebook address here]
League of Women Voters US on Facebook -

These sites provide a wealth of information about the League’s organization, advocacy, and voter education efforts. 

Membership also includes newsletters from the state and local organizations.  Both editions of The Voter, state and local are published quarterly and contain summaries of recent events, reminders for upcoming events, and other information of interest.  These are emailed to you for your convenience.

Join the League! Joining is a simple process that may be done by filling out and mailing an application form at a meeting or from our website or contacting any member about attending one of our meetings or social events. When joining at any level, local, state, or national you automatically become a member at every level.

We would be happy to have you in League and encourage you to join and become an active member.  We are always looking for members who would like to become leaders in our organization and hope you will be interested in becoming one in the future.  If you have any questions about the League or its activities don't hesitate to contact me or any other of our members. Give us a chance to enrich your life with citizenship service.


(Your Membership Chair)

LETTER # 2 Download this letter

Dear ,

Welcome to the League of (Your League Goes Here). League membership is a great experience that encourages members to be civically active and promote good citizenship in all citizens.  The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization that endorses no political candidates but does advocate for positions determined by consensus of its members.  You will find information about our advocacy positions on our national, state, and local web sites and Facebook pages.  We are proud of our distinguished history of public service and advocacy. 
You may obtain League information in a variety of ways.  We meet on the (Add your meeting day, time, and location here).

Information about the League is also available on a variety online sites. The state and local Leagues of Alabama and of the United States are all online with web and Facebook pages.  The addresses of these sites are:

Web Sites:
League of Women Voters of Alabama –
League of Women Voters of [your local web address]
League of Women Voters US web site-

Facebook Pages:
League of Women  Voters of Alabama on Facebook -
[Add your Facebook address here]
League of Women Voters US on Facebook -

These sites provide a wealth of information about the League’s organization, advocacy, and voter education efforts. 

Membership also includes newsletters from the state and local organizations.  Both print and web editions of The Alabama Voter are published quarterly and contain summaries of recent events, reminders for upcoming events, and other information of interest. The local league also publishes a Voter regularly. These are emailed to you for your convenience, or mailed at your request.

We would be happy to have you in League and encourage you to join and become an active member.  We are also looking for members who would like to become leaders in our organization and hope you will be interested in becoming one in the future.  If you have any questions about the League or its activities don't hesitate to contact me or any other of our members.   


(Your Membership Chair)

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