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The Alabama Voter 
Summer 2010 Edition
Published July 19, 2010

Petticoats and Politics

from Martha Collier's notes


On Saturday evening the Atlanta/Fulton County LWV held a dessert bar fundraiser featuring a one woman show by Kate Campbell Stevenson that recounted the history of the woman suffrage movement. Actor/singer Stevenson portrayed women from Abigail Adams through Elizabeth Cady Stanton to Eleanor Roosevelt (among others) who were important in women’s struggle to get the vote and use it. Changing costume, make-up, and props in mid-performance required remarkable “sleight –of-hand’ as she told the story of the historical women with “can-do” attitudes that inspire us all.

Martha Collier attended the event and was enchanted by it. To find out how to schedule Ms. Stevenson for a performance in your community, contact the Atlanta/Fulton County League.

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