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The Alabama Voter 
Summer 2010 Edition
Published July 19, 2010

First Southeastern Regional Environmental Caucus Held at Atlanta LWVUS Convention

from Martha Collier's notes


After helping plan the initial meeting of Leaguers from the southeastern states to discuss our common environmental issues, Joyce Lanning was unable to attend. Most of the Alabama delegates did attend the caucus on Sunday, June 13. Here is Martha Collier’s report on the session.

Delegates from fourteen southeastern states caucused early on a Sunday morning to determine common issues such as water quality and quantity, climate change, coal (mining and burning), mountaintop removal, nuclear waste, off-shore drilling, incinerators, landfills, and other problems stemming from waste shipped in from beyond the region. Related issues such as pockets of poverty, air quality, were mentioned. Energy production was cited as the common factor in nearly all the issues mentioned.

Debra Butler of the Mobile LWV concisely summarized the issue by pointing out that we tend to focus on the end product, the life style we want to maintain, instead of the more important matter of the life we live day by day. Her remarks were followed by a round of applause from the assembly. Debra was then asked by the chair to spearhead the writing of a letter stating the League’s environmental positions by the end of August. This letter would be sent to legislators, EPA officials, and other pertinent people and agencies.

The League has a long-standing Natural Resources position promoting an environment beneficial to life through the protection and wise management of natural resources in the public interest, including air and water quality. LWVUS positions also support environmentally sound policies that reduce energy growth rates, emphasize conservation, and encourage the use of renewable resources. These positions offer a strong basis for both national and state action on environmental issues.

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