The Alabama Voter 
Fall 2009 Edition
Published December 19, 2009

Remember the League in Your End-of-Year Giving and Holiday Shopping

by Jean Johnson, LWVAL Technical Director

'Tis the season for giving to worthwhile charities. Please don’t forget the League of Women Voters this year. We’ve made it very easy for you to give because now you can make your tax-deductible LWVAL Education Fund (LWVAL-EF) donation ONLINE! Just go to and click on the “Donate” link in the right column. Donations to the LWVAL General Fund (LWVAL) are also appreciated. Go online to the LWVAL “Donate” webpage or simply make your check out to LWVAL or LWVAL-EF and mail to Virginia Bennett, 1028 East University, Auburn, AL 36830.

You can also benefit the LWVAL Education Fund by shopping online at Why not skip the parking, long lines, and general hassle at the mall this holiday season? You’ll find just about anything you’re looking for online at over 700 famous, name-brand stores. The merchants have all agreed to give a portion of sales to the LWVAL-EF at no cost to you! You do have to click through the website above, though, so the merchants will know to provide the appropriate funds to the LWVAL. The amount varies from merchant to merchant but typically this is 1% - 4% of the sale. It adds up quickly when many participate!

Thank you for supporting the League in whatever way you can. Have a wonderful holiday season!