LWVAL Home Page Archive 2020 - 2021

Articles posted in this year on the LWVAL website are archived here. The fiscal year is June 1 - May 31 of the following year.

  • For an overview of LWVAL projects, goals and accomplishments, also see past issues of The Voter, LWVGB's newsletter.
  • See the LWVAL home page for the most recent news.


Earth Day '21: Focus on Alabama

1:00 – 2:30 PM CDT
On Zoom

Thank you to panelists Maggie Johnston, Valerie Adams, and Casie Jones, and to moderator Cindy Lowry for outstanding presentations and discussion. View the program on the LWVAL YouTube channel.

Facebook post - Earth Day '21

The League of Women Voters of Alabama held a 51st Earth Day celebration on April 24, 2021, at 1 p.m. via Zoom. It featured a panel of environmental advocates, including Valerie Adams of the Alabama Indigenous Coalition, Maggie Johnston of Wild Alabama, and Casie Jones of the Sierra Club. The panelists described Alabama’s biodiversity and discussed what Alabamians can do to preserve it. Moderator Cindy Lowry of the Alabama Rivers Alliance explained the connection between voting and environmental protection. This event was free and open to the public. The program is now online here on the LWVAL YouTube channel.


Alabama's Voter List Maintenance

On Wednesday February 24, 2021, Auburn University Elections Center professors Dr. Mitchell Brown and Dr. Kathleen Hale provided insights on how Alabama implements the federal law National Voter Registration Act of 1993 requirements to maintain and update the state's voter rolls.
View on YouTube.


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Attention Alabama Voters! HB396 is coming before the Alabama state legislature during this current session!

UPDATE 2/24/21: The House Campaign, Constitution, and Elections Committee heard testimony today regarding HB396 but did not vote on the bill. A vote is expected next Wed., March 3. Your call to committee members in support is appreciated, especially if your representative is on the committee! Thank you!

This bill would remove the requirement for voters to provide a specific excuse from an approved list in order to vote absentee. If this bill is passed, any registered voter who wishes to vote absentee could request an absentee ballot without having to provide an excuse.

All other safeguards to the absentee voting process would remain in place: requesting a ballot, providing a copy of photo ID, and needing witness signatures on your affidavit envelope.

The no-excuse absentee process is just as secure as the current process, but removing the excuses makes it more accessible and convenient for Alabamians who may need to vote absentee, and makes the process more transparent for all Alabama voters.

Contact your Alabama state representative about HB396 today!

MyInfo.AlabamaVotes.Gov to learn your districts and USA.gov/ElectedOfficials to find your representatives' contact information.


The people have spoken.

Twitter post - LWV election outcome statement

The League of Women Voters has issued this statement on the certification of the presidential election. Read the complete statement at http://bit.ly/3bdmiKQ #thepeoplehavespoken #respectourdemocracy



We need your help to reinstate the
voting rights of returning citizens.

Instagram post - Not freedom until you can vote.

Voting is the right of all eligible American citizens. This includes formerly-incarcerated citizens who are returning to free society. We ask for your financial help so that we can reach out to as many returning citizens as possible.

Help us help them!
Please give today!


Thank you for voting, Alabama!

Facebook post - Democracy is worth the wait.

Download this article for printing. Share the Facebook post. Retweet on Twitter.



If you are voting at the polls on Nov. 3, find your polling place at: https://myinfo.alabamavotes.gov/voterview
Enter your name (exactly as you registered to vote) and date of birth. If you are voting at the polls, your vote will count ONLY if you vote at that location.
Don't assume you know your polling place. It can change!

If you go to the polls to vote on Nov. 3, bring valid photo voter ID. A valid Alabama driver's license or valid Alabama non-driver ID is acceptable, but there are other forms of acceptable ID. See the list at: https://www.sos.alabama.gov/alabama-votes/voter/voter-id

If you have your absentee ballot, you can personally hand-deliver it to your county Absentee Election Manager (usually your county Circuit Clerk) until noon on Monday, Nov. 2. You can only turn in your own ballot. You cannot deliver a ballot for someone else. Because it is so close to the election and your ballot may not arrive in time, we do NOT recommend that you mail your absentee ballot at this time. Find the physical address of your county Absentee Election Manager here: https://www.sos.alabama.gov/city-county-lookup/absentee-election-manager
(It is too late in Alabama to apply for an absentee ballot for the Nov. 3 election.)

If you mailed in your absentee ballot, do not assume that your ballot was received and counted. Check to see if your ballot was received and counted by going to: https://myinfo.alabamavotes.gov/voterview
and enter your name (exactly as you registered to vote) and date of birth.

If you voted absentee but your ballot was NOT received and counted, go to your polling place on Nov. 3 and tell the poll worker that your absentee ballot was not received and that you want to vote a provisional ballot.

Learn about the candidates and the six state-wide constitutional amendment proposals on your ballot and get more answers to your election questions at VOTE411.ORG. There are many state and local candidates "down ballot". Be informed when you go to the polls!

If you want to report a problem at the polls or have questions about your voting experience on election day, call the Election Protection Hotline:
1-866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683)
1-888-VE-Y-VOTA (en Español)
1-888-API-VOTE (Asian multilingual assistance)
1-844-YALLA-US (Arabic)



Check VOTE411.ORG for candidate information and more! See your candidates and where they stand on the issues!

Check your registration status before the registration deadline even if you think you are properly registered! [Voter registration deadline has passed for the Nov. 3 Election.}

Do you have questions or need assistance with absentee voting? See this absentee voting tip sheet or call the LWVGB Absentee Voting Help Line at 205 583-5000 and press 3.

Are you considering poll watching in Alabama? There are requirements and regulations that must be followed. Find out more here.

2020 Election Dates & Deadlines

Presidential General Election - includes many state and local races

  • Mon., Oct. 19 - Deadline to register to vote or change registration information
  • Thurs., Oct. 29 - Deadline to apply for absentee ballot (IMPORTANT: Apply by mid-October to avoid mail delays! OR go in person to County Courthouse by Oct. 29. Most need photo ID.)
  • Mon., Nov. 2 - Last day to hand-deliver or postmark absentee ballot (To be sure it counts, hand-deliver to the County Absentee Elections Manager.)
  • Tues., Nov. 3 - ELECTION DAY



You can register or update your registration information online if you have a current, valid Alabama driver license. Or download a registration application for mailing, or get a registration application at the Registrar's Office, a local public library, DMV office, or many public assistance offices.


If you plan to vote absentee, make application for an absentee ballot long before the application deadline!
Apply NOW!! The last day to apply for an absentee ballot is legally only five days before the election. HOWEVER, the absentee manager is expected to receive many applications during this time of COVID19. Apply a.s.a.p. to insure that you receive your ballot in time. Mail the application or personally hand deliver it to your county's Absentee Election Manager or in the case of a municipal election, to your city clerk. Unless you have a life-altering infirmity preventing your attendance to the polls, you must include a copy of your valid photo voter ID with your absentee ballot application. Check one of the accepted reasons to vote absentee. If you think it is impossible or unreasonable to vote in person at your polling place (for example, if you fear that you may contract or spread COVID19 if you go to the polls in person), you may legally check this reason for requesting an absentee ballot: "I have a physical illness or infirmity which prevents my attendance at the polls. [ID Required]". This is considered a valid reason even if you are not ill at the time.

For more absentee voting information, see LWVAL Absentee Voting Tips.

Hand-deliver or postmark an absentee ballot no later than the day before the election. (We advise you to mail much earlier to avoid mail delays.)

Take valid photo voter ID to the polls. You cannot be denied the right to vote. You can vote a "provisional ballot" if your name is not on the roll or if you do not have valid photo voter ID or for any other reason. BUT in order for your vote to count, BE SURE you are at the right polling place for the residence at which you are registered to vote. You will have to report to the courthouse by Friday following the election on Tuesday with proof that your vote should count (for example, proof of residency or valid photo voter ID). To avoid this hassle, try your very best to vote a regular ballot rather than a provisional ballot.

Report an election issue by calling:
1-866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683)
1-888-VE-Y-VOTA (en Español)
1-888-API-VOTE (Asian multilingual assistance)
1-844-YALLA-US (Arabic)

Other sources of Alabama election information:


In General Elections (e.g. Municipal Election or Presidential Election) - You may vote for anyone in either party or write in your own choice of candidate, regardless of how or if you voted in an earlier Party Primary Election or Party Primary Runoff Election.

LWV of Alabama Responds to US Supreme Court Decision Restoring Ban on Curbside Voting

In response to the #SCOTUS decision on Oct. 22 to restore a ban on curbside voting in #Alabama, LWVAL President Barbara Caddell said, "The Court's decision is deeply disappointing as senior voters and voters with disabilities plan to head to the polls during a deadly pandemic. Alabama's ban on curbside voting erects yet another needless barrier to fair, safe voting access less than two weeks before Election Day." LWVAL was amicus curiae (friend of the court) in the case. Read the media release at https://www.lwv.org/newsroom/press-releases/lwv-alabama-responds-us-supreme-court-decision-restoring-ban-curbside
#VoteSafeAL #vote411 #election2020 #vote2020 #alpolitics 


UPDATE: Alabama Voter Registration is now closed for the November 3rd General Election. If you need to register to vote or change your information, do it now so that you will be ready for the next election!

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MONDAY, OCT. 19th is the LAST DAY TO REGISTER TO VOTE OR CHANGE YOUR REGISTRATION INFO. IN ALABAMA! If you live in Alabama and need to register to vote, and if you have a current valid AL driver’s license or AL non-driver ID, you can register or change your info. online at: http://bit.ly/2uKrkY2. OR you can mail your registration form and have it postmarked by Oct. 19th. To mail in, get the registration form at: https://bit.ly/3keRQ4D That form is good for changing your voter registration info. too if needed - for example if your name or address has changed since you registered. However you do it, DO IT BY MONDAY, OCT. 19th!


Thank you for voting in your municipal election runoff.

Alabama Municipal Runoff Elections

Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2020!

Does your city have a runoff election?
Learn about the races and candidates at
Birmingham Watch

Wear your mask, bring your own pen, bring valid photo ID, and
Polls Open 7 AM to 7 PM


National Voter Registration Day,
September 22, 2020
Read the LWVAL Media Release.


Celebrate democracy in America by registering to vote on September 22. Local Leagues across Alabama are holding special events on the big day. We're helping citizens register to vote, change their registration information, confirm their registration, find their polling place, vote absentee, get information about the candidates and amendments, and assist returning citizens to restore their voting rights. Our stations are online, virtual, and drive-by. Find many of these services in our online voter guide at VOTE411.ORG, too. Check with a local League of Women Voters near you for Voter Registration Day events!

#NationalVoterRegistrationDay #VoteReady #Vote411



We need your help to reinstate the
voting rights of returning citizens.

Instagram post - Not freedom until you can vote.

Voting is the right of all eligible American citizens. This includes formerly-incarcerated citizens who are returning to free society. We ask for your financial help so that we can reach out to as many returning citizens as possible.

Help us help them!
Please give today!


Thank you for voting, Alabama!
Here are

Get all the nonpartisan election information you need here and at VOTE411.ORG.




Call on Alabama Gov. Ivey to protect our vote.

All Alabamians want voting to be safe and accessible, and we all want a voting process that is not confusing. The League of Women Voters of Alabama believes that Governor Ivey wants these things, too. That’s why we are inviting you to join us in asking her to make a few common-sense adjustments to our voting system that will provide these assurances. This video highlights the small steps that, if taken by our governor, will make a big improvement in our state election system. The League of Women Voters is counting on you, Alabama, to make the call to our governor and encourage her action to PROTECT OUR VOTE, the very cornerstone of our democracy. Watch the call to action and then call Gov. Ivey at 1-334-242-7100. Thank you, Alabama!

LWVAL President Barbara Caddell's Call To Action (video)


LWVAL Media Release
Aug. 6, 2020

The League of Women Voters of Alabama Responds to the Dismissal of Vote Safe Lawsuit


On Wednesday, a Circuit Court Judge in Montgomery dismissed the League of Women Voters’ lawsuit which asked him to order Governor Ivey and Secretary of State Merrill to exercise their emergency powers to protect Alabama voters as recommended by the CDC during the COVID pandemic. League President Barbara Caddell issued the following statement in response:

“COVID 19 is a very real threat, not only to voters’ physical health but also to the health of Alabama’s electoral process.  We are profoundly disappointed by the judge’s decision, which allows elections to proceed in their current state.”…
In the past, Governor Ivey has demonstrated her concern for Alabamians in a variety of ways, and we encourage her to address our concerns for election safety by using her emergency power to order such common-sense voter protections as…



Pass the Voting Rights Advancement Act to strengthen Alabama voting rights.

Please contact Alabama U.S. Senators Jones and Shelby to urge their support for the Voting Rights Advancement Act (VRAA). The League of Women Voters believes that passage of this legislation would be a major step toward stopping voter suppression. The VRAA restores protections of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that were weakened by the U.S. Supreme Court in the Shelby County v. Holder decision of 2013. The bill would make our elections more accessible and strengthen voter protections for all people, especially for people of color. Contact Senator Doug Jones at https://bit.ly/2OuFeYY or (334) 230-0698. Contact Senator Richard Shelby at https://bit.ly/38XF0mK or (334) 223-7303. Thank you for taking action! Note: Sen. Jones is a co-sponsor of this bill. An expression of thanks would be appreciated. Sen. Shelby has not taken a position on the VRAA.




League of Women Voters of Alabama Requests Court Order to Make Voting Safer All Year

LWVAL asks election officials to modify some election processes.

On June 17, 2020, the League of Women Voters of Alabama asked for a court order requiring Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill, Governor Kay Ivey, and county election officials to provide specific protections for voter health during this time of pandemic. The League’s motion for the court to order immediate action comes in the context of the lawsuit it filed three weeks ago, given the severity of the current health crisis and the time frame of Alabama elections. ...The lawsuit asks election officials to make common-sense modifications to the voting process for all Alabama elections in 2020. These modifications track the recommendations made by the CDC to prevent the spread of COVID 19 during elections. #VoteSafeAL #alpolitics

Read the request for preliminary injunction.
Read the press release. 
