LWVAL Action Priority Level I (Highest) - Monitoring and action of highest priority. Major area for resource expenditures.
Click a bill to see sponsor(s), summary (including link to full text), League action and justification for that action, and progress of the bill through the legislative process.
Legend: = LWVAL's support for the legislation. = LWVAL's opposition to the legislation. = new bill activity; change from previous week's report such as new progress in the legislature and/or League action. Bill may be one newly added to the report. These updates are in green font.
LWVAL has taken a position on these bills: [none at this time]
LWVAL is monitoring these bills.
HB19 - House of Representatives, redistricting pursuant to 2010 federal census, venue for legal action challenging to be in Montgomery County Circuit Court, official maps of districts retained in Secretary of State Office and printed with Acts, use for Legislative intent, Sec. 29-1-1.2 repealed; Sec. 29-1-1.2 added
Sponsor(s): Representative McClendon
Summary/Synopsis: Sections 199 and 200 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, require the Legislature to reapportion and redistrict itself following the release of each federal decennial census.
This bill would divide the state into districts for the purpose of electing members of the Alabama Senate at the General Election of 2014 and 2018, until the next federal census is released.
The bill would provide venue in Montgomery County Circuit Court for any legal action, including any action pending in any court on the effective date of this act, challenging the validity of all or any portion of any Senate reapportionment or redistricting plan adopted pursuant to the bill.
5/18/2012: CC&E 1st Substitute (143562-2) Offered Read for 2nd time and placed on the Calendar with 1 Substitute; pending 3rd reading and favorable from CC&E with 1 substitute.
5/21/2012: House 3rd Reading Passed; CC&E 1st Substitute (143562-2) Offered. Motion to Adopt offered. Buskey 1st Substitute (143423-1 not yet available) Offered; McClendon motion to Table adopted (63-35-0); Oden intended to vote “Yea”. J Hubbard 1st Substitute (143630-1, not yet available) Offered; McClendon motion to Table adopted (58-34-1). Ford 1st Substitute (143236-1 not yet available) Offered; McClendon motion to Table adopted (63-36-0). McClammy 1st Substitute (143627-1 not yet available) Offered; McClendon motion to Table adopted (64-35-0). Knight 1st Substitute (143519-1) Offered; McClendon motion to Table adopted (63-35-0). Hammon motion to Previous Questions adopted (66-35-0). Motion to Adopt CC&E Substitute adopted (66-35-0). Motion to Read a 3rd Time and Pass adopted (66-35-0). Engrossed.
5/22-2012: Senate Read for the 1st time and referred to the
5/22/2012: Read for the 2nd time and placed on the calendar. 5/23/2012: 3rd Reading passed. 5/24/2012: Sanders 1st Substitute (143650-1) Offered; Sanders 1st Substitute lost (12-23-0). Smitherman 1st Substitute (143699-1)Offered; Smitherman 1st Substitute lost (13-22-0). Singleton 1st Substitute (143745-1) Offered; Singleton 1st Substitute lost (12-22-0.) Motion to Read a 3rd Time and Pass adopted (23-12-0). House: Passed 2nd House; Enrolled. Senate: Signature Requested. House: Clerk of the House Certification. Delivered to the Governor at 4:22 a.m. on May 24, 2012.
HB6 - House of Representatives, redistricting pursuant to 2010 federal census, venue for legal action challenging to be in Montgomery County Circuit Court, official maps of districts retained in Secretary of State Office and printed with Acts, use for Legislative intent, Sec. 29-1-1.2 repealed; Sec. 29-1-1.2 added
Sponsor(s): Representative Buskey
Summary/Synopsis: Sections 199 and 200 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, require the Legislature to reapportion and redistrict itself following the release of each federal decennial census.
This bill would divide the state into districts for the purpose of electing members of the Alabama Senate at the General Election of 2014 and 2018, until the next federal census is released.
The bill would provide venue in Montgomery County Circuit Court for any legal action, including any action pending in any court on the effective date of this act, challenging the validity of all or any portion of any Senate reapportionment or redistricting plan adopted pursuant to the bill.
HB8 - House of Representatives, redistricting pursuant to 2010 federal census, venue for legal action challenging to be in Montgomery County Circuit Court, official maps of districts retained in Secretary of State Office and printed with Acts, use for Legislative intent, Sec. 29-1-1.2 repealed; Sec. 29-1-1.2 added
Sponsor(s): Representative Ford
Summary/Synopsis: Sections 199 and 200 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, require the Legislature to reapportion and redistrict itself following the release of each federal decennial census.
This bill would divide the state into districts for the purpose of electing members of the Alabama Senate at the General Election of 2014 and 2018, until the next federal census is released.
The bill would provide venue in Montgomery County Circuit Court for any legal action, including any action pending in any court on the effective date of this act, challenging the validity of all or any portion of any Senate reapportionment or redistricting plan adopted pursuant to the bill.
HB9 - House of Representatives, redistricting pursuant to 2010 federal census, venue for legal action challenging to be in Montgomery County Circuit Court, official maps of districts retained in Secretary of State Office and printed with Acts, use for Legislative intent, Sec. 29-1-1.2 repealed; Sec. 29-1-1.2 added
Sponsor(s): Representative J. Hubbard
Summary/Synopsis: Sections 199 and 200 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, require the Legislature to reapportion and redistrict itself following the release of each federal decennial census.
This bill would divide the state into districts for the purpose of electing members of the Alabama Senate at the General Election of 2014 and 2018, until the next federal census is released.
The bill would provide venue in Montgomery County Circuit Court for any legal action, including any action pending in any court on the effective date of this act, challenging the validity of all or any portion of any Senate reapportionment or redistricting plan adopted pursuant to the bill.
HB16 - House of Representatives, redistricting pursuant to 2010 federal census, venue for legal action challenging to be in Montgomery County Circuit Court, official maps of districts retained in Secretary of State Office and printed with Acts, use for Legislative intent, Sec. 29-1-1.2 repealed; Sec. 29-1-1.2 added
Sponsor(s): Representative Knight
Summary/Synopsis: Sections 199 and 200 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, require the Legislature to reapportion and redistrict itself following the release of each federal decennial census.
This bill would divide the state into districts for the purpose of electing members of the Alabama Senate at the General Election of 2014 and 2018, until the next federal census is released.
The bill would provide venue in Montgomery County Circuit Court for any legal action, including any action pending in any court on the effective date of this act, challenging the validity of all or any portion of any Senate reapportionment or redistricting plan adopted pursuant to the bill.
SB25 - Senate, redistricting pursuant to 2010 federal census, venue for legal action challenging to be in Montgomery County Circuit Court, official maps of districts retained in Secretary of State Office and printed with Acts, use for legislative intent, Sec. 29-1-2.3 repealed; Sec. 29-1-2.3 added
Sponsor(s): Senator Dial
Summary/Synopsis: Sections 199 and 200 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, require the Legislature to reapportion and redistrict itself following the release of each federal decennial census.
This bill would divide the state into districts for the purpose of electing members of the Alabama Senate at the General Election of 2014 and 2018, until the next federal census is released.
The bill would provide venue in Montgomery County Circuit Court for any legal action, including any action pending in any court on the effective date of this act, challenging the validity of all or any portion of any Senate reapportionment or redistricting plan adopted pursuant to the bill.
05/23/2012: Read for 2nd time and placed on the calendar. 05/24/2012: 3rd Reading Passed. McCampbell 1st Substitute (143722-1) Offered; McClendon motion to Table adopted (61-34-0). J Hubbard 1st Substitute (143723-1) Offered; McClendon motion to Table adopted (64-35-0 ). Henry motion to Previous Questions adopted (62-34-0). Motion to Read a 3rd Time and Pass adopted (65-36-0). Senate: Passed Second House; Enrolled. House: Signature Requested Delivered to the Governor’s Office at 4:55 a.m.
SB1 - Senate, redistricting pursuant to 2010 federal census, venue for legal action challenging to be in Montgomery County Circuit Court, official maps of districts retained in Secretary of State Office and printed with Acts, use for legislative intent, Sec. 29-1-2.3 repealed; Sec. 29-1-2.3 added
Sponsor(s): Senator Sanders
Summary/Synopsis: Sections 199 and 200 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, require the Legislature to reapportion and redistrict itself following the release of each federal decennial census.
This bill would divide the state into districts for the purpose of electing members of the Alabama Senate at the General Election of 2014 and 2018, until the next federal census is released.
The bill would provide venue in Montgomery County Circuit Court for any legal action, including any action pending in any court on the effective date of this act, challenging the validity of all or any portion of any Senate reapportionment or redistricting plan adopted pursuant to the bill.
SB5 - Senate, redistricting pursuant to 2010 federal census, venue for legal action challenging to be in Montgomery County Circuit Court, official maps of districts retained in Secretary of State Office and printed with Acts, use for legislative intent, Sec. 29-1-2.3 repealed; Sec. 29-1-2.3 added
Sponsor(s): Senator Singleton
Summary/Synopsis: Sections 199 and 200 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, require the Legislature to reapportion and redistrict itself following the release of each federal decennial census.
This bill would divide the state into districts for the purpose of electing members of the Alabama Senate at the General Election of 2014 and 2018, until the next federal census is released.
The bill would provide venue in Montgomery County Circuit Court for any legal action, including any action pending in any court on the effective date of this act, challenging the validity of all or any portion of any Senate reapportionment or redistricting plan adopted pursuant to the bill.
SB18 - Senate, redistricting pursuant to 2010 federal census, venue for legal action challenging to be in Montgomery County Circuit Court, official maps of districts retained in Secretary of State Office and printed with Acts, use for legislative intent, Sec. 29-1-2.3 repealed; Sec. 29-1-2.3 added
Sponsor(s): Smitherman
Summary/Synopsis: Sections 199 and 200 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, require the Legislature to reapportion and redistrict itself following the release of each federal decennial census.
This bill would divide the state into districts for the purpose of electing members of the Alabama Senate at the General Election of 2014 and 2018, until the next federal census is released.
The bill would provide venue in Montgomery County Circuit Court for any legal action, including any action pending in any court on the effective date of this act, challenging the validity of all or any portion of any Senate reapportionment or redistricting plan adopted pursuant to the bill.