League logoTHE VOTER
A Publication of The League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham

Published April 2006

Update on Constitutional Reform

There was a tremendous effort to move the bill SB52 calling for a constitution convention to the floor of the Senate, but it was stopped in the Rules Committee. This committee controls the daily agenda for bills before the senate.  Interviews, meetings, personal contacts and phone calls were used to influence the Committee Chair, Senator Jim Preuitt….  but to no avail.

Bill SB 52 died in this Session, but will raise its head again next year according to ACCR Leaders!   Activities during the upcoming campaign season will keep the issue before the candidates and the people. The motto is “Let the People Vote.”

Brave supporters attempted to bring the bill up out of order, but a member objected and it could not be debated.   (One objection can prevent consideration.)  At various times in the last days of the Session, Senators Roger Smitherman, Robert Bedford, Ted Little and Steve French called SB52 a worthy issue that should be considered.  Send a letter or call to thank these Senators for their efforts.   Do not give up.  All agree in the halls of the State House that this issue has developed more “legs” than ever expected.

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