LWVAL Convention 2013 focuses on health care, energy and water, constitutional reform
Thanks to all who attended for your input, spirit and enthusiasm! See the photos here. (Slow loading? See a sampling of photos here.) The League of Women Voters of Alabama held its annual state convention in Tuscaloosa April 27-28, 2013. The convention was held at the Hotel Capstone on Bryant Drive. A pre-convention workshop on use of social media was presented on April 26 at the Bryant Museum.
Congratulations to Mary Lynn Bates on receiving the Joyce Woodworth Memorial Award. LWVAL extends its deepest thanks and appreciation to Mary Lynn for her outstanding service to the League in the area of program and advocacy.
Congratulations to LWV of Mobile on receiving the Phyllis Rea Membership award for the greatest percent increase in membership over the past two years. LWVM grew its ranks by 40%! We should all observe their methods and heed their advice closely!
“We are honored to have Dr. Leigh Ann Poole, Coordinator of the NP Concentration: Mental Health and Primary Care for Rural Populations at UA Capstone College of Nursing as our Saturday Luncheon Speaker,” said Dr. Byrd. “She spoke on Health Care in Alabama. Her presentation addressed many of the topics in the LWVAL’s recently published Facts and Issues: Health Care in Alabama, an objective study of issues involving health care in our state, as well as a discussion of proposed solutions to various problems.
Another highlight of the convention was a panel discussion of Energy and Water in Alabama. Participating in the panel were Michael Churchman, Executive Director of the Ala. Environmental Council; Cole Walker, President of Redstone Energy Group; Heather Elliott, JD, Assoc. Professor of Law at UA and author of a 2012 Alabama Review article on Alabama's Water Crisis, and Vaughn Williams, JD, Assistant Attorney General in the Natural Resources Section in Colorado, who has been a participant in State Water Planning process and formerly Water Resource Specialist at the Colorado Water Conservation Board.
A wine and cheese reception welcomed delegates and guests to the Saturday evening banquet. The group was entertained by concert pianist, bandleader, composer and LWVAL Director Jeanine "Dr. Jazz" Normand.
Robert McCurley, former director of the Alabama Law Institute (1969-2013) and member of the Alabama Constitutional Revision Commission spoke at the banquet. Mr. McCurley’s experience working directly with the legislature for so many years provided us with insight into some of the controversial actions during the present legislative session. The audience learned much about the progress and future plans for reforming the antiquated 1901 AL constitution and about the shifting sands of Alabama politics.
These convention speakers and panelists were well received by delegates and guests. The League of Women Voters has long held health care and clean air and water as important topics for study and has advocated reform of the Alabama constitution.
Congratulations to new co-presidents Leonette Slay and Scarlett Gaddy (pictured here) and all of the incoming LWVAL board on their election. Many thanks to former president Kathy Byrd and the outgoing board members who have served the League so well in the past biennium.
Many thanks to Laura Newland Hill, member LWV East Alabama and LWVAL Secretary, and to LWVAL member and "First Gentleman" Gene Byrd for sharing their LWVAL Convention 2013 photos!

"Flaggin' the Train to Tuscaloosa"
LWVAL Convention
April 26 - 28, 2013
UA, Tuscaloosa, AL
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