LWVAL Convention
April 26 - 28, 2013
Now accepting registration for non-meal events only.

Plenary Documents

The following will be presented to the delegates at the Convention for consideration and vote. (The first point below is simply a clarification of delegate number entitled to each local league.)


There is often confusion about how many delegates that each local league may send. The LWVAL Bylaws are clear on this point. Article VIII, Section 4, “Representation” designates the following:

"Each local League in the state of Alabama shall be entitled to
one delegate for the first fifteen voting members; one delegate for every twenty-five additional voting members, or major fraction thereof, up to two hundred; and one delegate for every fifty additional voting members, or major fraction thereof, above two hundred, belonging to said local League on January 1 of said year, provided that no local League may have more than fifteen delegates accredited to the convention.… The Annual Report establishing voting members as of January 1 of said year shall determine the official membership count for this purpose [emphasis added]."

The references to provisional leagues and MAL units do not apply. Each local league should have its list of qualified voting members from its report to LWVUS after the first of the year.

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The LWVAL board recommends the following changes to the 2011-2013 LWVAL Program for the 2013-2015 biennium.

  1. Re-adoption of League Principles and LWVAL Program as adopted for 2011-2013.
  2. Completion of the Health Care Study and consensus, with adoption of position by the LWVAL board as appropriate.
  3. Continuation of the development of a Facts and Issues on Energy Use in Alabama, for distribution and formal study, if warranted.
  4. Examination of whether a Facts and Issues publication is warranted.

Note: During the 2011-2013 biennium, the LWVAL has completed its study on Charter Schools. It has also published its Facts and Issues on Health Care in Alabama. Questions for the consensus process will be developed this spring in anticipation of completing the consensus process in the fall. This study will need to be reauthorized at the April convention. In addition, at the 2012 Council we voted to prepare a Facts and Issues on Energy Use in Alabama, with the focus of Stage I being on electrical production and use. No formal study with the goal of consensus-taking has been authorized, just the Facts and Issues.

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There are two bylaws changes to be presented at the LWVAL convention.

I. The first has to do with removing language regarding provisional leagues. That category no longer exists, according to LWVUS action some years ago. We would be making our bylaws consistent with LWVUS. This is a carryover from our previous convention.
Download Part I of Proposed Changes to LWVAL Bylaws.

II. The second is a new recommendation by the board. It pertains to what would happen if we failed to have a quorum for a state convention or council and modifies the requirements for a quorum. Such a situation could be due to a natural disaster such as a tornado or hurricane.
Download Part II of Proposed Changes to LWVAL Bylaws.

Download the current LWVAL bylaws without proposed changes. Note: These bylaws are in the password-protected members’ area of the lwval.org website. If you need assistance in accessing the members' area, contact Jean Johnson at 205 870-3063 or jjohnson@lwval.org.-->

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Download the LWVAL 2013 Slate of Proposed Directors and Officers as submitted by the LWVAL Nominating Committee.

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The board recommends this proposed LWVAL 2013-2015 budget for member consideration. Also, see the annual LWVAL Treasurer's report for June 1, 2012 - date April 8, 2013. These documents are filed in the members' only area of the LWVAL website. If you are a League member and need username and password access information, please contact your local League or Jean Johnson at jjohnson@lwval.org or 205 222-2097.

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