Summer 2009 Edition Published September 13, 2009 � 2009 League of Women Voters of Alabama Bailey Thomson Awards
Bailey Thomson Award winners announced August 27, 2009, left to right; Bill Giardini and Mary Holsambeck, ACCR Educators of the Year, Marian Loftin, ACCR Inc. , who accepted the Bailey Thompson Award for former Governor Albert Brewer, retired Chief Justice Gorman Houston, co-winner of the Bailey Thomson Award, and Jim Nash, President of the ACCR Foundation. In addition, two high school students, Megan Covington of Virgil Grissom High School (Huntsville) and Patrick Rooney of Hoover High School, were honored for their essays, "Who Needs a New Constitution," as first and second place winners in the ACCR Foundation sponsored essay contest. The luncheon, held each summer in memory of the late UA journalism professor Bailey Thomson who started the ACCR, honors those who have notably supported the cause of Constitutional Reform in the past year. |
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