LWVAL Health Care Study Consensus Kit

* Consensus questions are for members and consensus report form is for local League reporting. If you need access information for the LWVAL members' area, contact your local League or Jean Johnson at 205 222-2097 or jjohnson@lwval.org.

Health Care in Alabama 2013

Coming to Consensus

Do you want to take part in this position discussion?
Join the League of Women Voters today!

For approximately four years, the League of Women Voters of Alabama has studied the issue of health care. Now it is time for all Alabama League members to consider the findings of this study and come to consensus, if possible, on the issue position(s) the LWVAL will hold on health care.

LWVAL members, please read the Facts and Issues reports (2010 and 2013) carefully to prepare for discussion. Then watch your local League Voter newsletter, website and social media for announcement of your local League's consensus meeting(s). At the meeting(s) you will discuss the background Facts and Issues and answer the consensus questions.

Each Alabama local League will file a consensus report (due Nov. 30, 2013) based on your discussion and answers. Based on these reports, and if consensus is reached, the LWVAL state board will write the position.

Please attend this consensus meeting. The League is a grassroots organization and your considered opinion matters! The Leagues position and future action on health care in Alabama will be based on what members have to say about health care. Your voice can influence the League's voice on all future health care legislation and public policies in Alabama.

Thank you!


As introduced by the research committee in February, 2013, "The research began at the request of League members who wished to know more about health care issues and the problems being faced both nationally and in Alabama. Members also believed it important to supply such information to the Alabama pubic. As with all League educational efforts, attempts have been made to collect and present material in an unbiased, evenhanded manner."

On May 3, 2009 at the annual convention of the League of Women Voters of Alabama, the member delegates authorized the study of the condition of health care in Alabama stating, "LWVAL hereby undertakes a study of the current health care conditions and policies in the state of Alabama, and on barriers to health care in the state, focusing on cost, access, and the quality and equity of care." The first phase of this study resulted in the publication in February, 2010 of Health Care in Alabama 2010: Facts and Issues.

Due to the complexity of the health care issue, the LWVAL convention authorized continuation of the study. Health Care in Alabama 2013: Facts and Issues was published in February of this year. This second publication focused on “Recurring Issues in Health Care" and "Challenges and Opportunities for the Nursing Profession."

This is the LWVUS activity and position on Health Care.